VarioCage Single Compact Large (SCL)

Single cage espescially designed for hatchback cars. Door raised 23cm/9.06inch. PLEASE NOTE! Will fit in cars with even floor aswell, but it wont be as optimal. Select MIMsafe VarioCage Compact if your car has a threshold. The Compact model is specially adapted for a hatchback car with an elevated door that can be opened above the threshold of your car. The door elevation is 23 cm and gives you and your pet the posibility to a safe travel. Choose a MIMsafe Variocage Compact when having a threshold in your car.

The door on the MIMsafe VarioCage Compact is elevated by 23 cm in order to function in hatchback vehicles. Wear exposed parts such as doors and floor are treated against corrosion. The door is equipped with safety locks and gas hydraulic motion springs for better controll of the door. The door handles can also be used as storage pockets. MIMsafe VarioCage Compact is designed and produced in Sweden by MIM Construction AB.

Article no. 00367
Product type Variocage
Depth600 - 820 mm
Width555 mm
Height650 mm
Weight12 kg
Package meassures and weight 680 x 610 x 280 mm / 15 kg