The information provided in the model selector should be used as a recommendation.
The lists are based on MIM Construction AB measurments as well as reports from customers and dealers.
Continuous changes and different equipment levels on car models may cause the information to change over time.
PLEASE NOTE! “Please call your dealer if you have RAV-4 Premier or Prime in the USA as it may not work with these models. Look at VarioBarrier Original instead.
PLEASE NOTE! “Please call your dealer if you have RAV-4 Premier or Prime in the USA as it may not work with these models. Look at VarioBarrier Original instead.
PLEASE NOTE! “Please call your dealer if you have RAV-4 Premier or Prime in the USA as it may not work with these models. Look at VarioBarrier Original instead.
PLEASE NOTE! “Please call your dealer if you have RAV-4 Premier or Prime in the USA as it may not work with these models. Look at VarioBarrier Original instead.